Chigusa Arikore (千種有維)

Arikore CHIGUSA (October 29, 1638 - January 5, 1693) was a Kugyo (top court official) during the early Edo period. He mainly served the Imperial Court for three generations of Emperors, from Emperor Gokomyo (110th) through Emperor Higashiyama (113th), and his official court rank was advanced to Junii (Junior Second Rank) Gon Dainagon (a provisional chief councilor of state). His father was Arishige CHIGUSA (Shonii [Senior Second Rank], Gon Dainagon). His mother was the daughter of Michisaki KOGA (Shosanmi [Senior Third Rank], Gon Chunagon [provisional vice-councilor of state]). He had Ayamasa UEMATSU, who established the branch family of Uematsu as his younger brother.

In 1641, he was conferred peerage. After that, he made progress and in 1666, he was conferred Jusanmi (Junior Third Rank) and became counted as one of the Kugyo. In 1684, he was appointed as Buketenso yaku and maintained the relationship between the Imperial Court and the shogunate through communication. In 1685, he was conferred Junii. In 1691, he was appointed Gon Dainagon, the highest position members of the House of Urin (one of ranks of noble households) could reach.

Since the Chigusa family was a branch family of the Iwakura family, he sent his only biological son, Noritomo IWAKURA, to Tomoaki IWAKURA, who didn't have any children, to become an adopted child. He adopted a child of Noritomo, Arinori CHIGUSA, and Arinori inherited the Chigusa family.

[Original Japanese]